Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Mother’s Day went very well. Roni worked very hard in the kitchen, with J’s semi-help, making bagels and muffins and salads for our brunch. Mom came over with Mr. Al and the sunny weather meant we could sit out on the back deck where there are yet to be any flowers, but the green is lovely anyway. (Sitting outside also meant no one commenting on how the dust bunnies are becoming more dust sheep lately, and walking down the stairs is like threading an obstacle course.)

It still amazes me that I am a mother, and that J has been with us for over a year. He is an amazing kid, and we are beyond lucky to have him.

After the feast, we cleared the table for a cut throat game of Froggy Farkel which the three year old won! Despite not knowing the rules, or how to score, or why we were so insistent that all the dice land on the table each time, it turns out little J is a bit of a dice-shark. Luckily he accepted cheese cake instead of cash for his winnings.

J was a little confused over the weekend why Saturday was Papa’s Day (Roni’s 39th birthday) and Sunday was Mama’s Day, but there was no day for him. Explaining that pretty much every day is J Day didn’t work, as a true “Day” is marked with cake, preferably one with a fire truck on it, and definitely chocolate. And he has a point. Everyday would be a little brighter with some chocolate cake in it. But as the Wii has for the first time this year finally told me I was “normal” when I got on the scale, we’re going to have to continue to limit the chocolate cake intake.

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