Monday, April 13, 2009

Celebrating Spring

We had a great time on Saturday coloring the eggs. J. took great care and pride in his coloring, and the shrink wrap sleeves amazed and delighted him. He's getting pretty good with his balance, so with a little mom help he got to pour the boiling water on some of them to shrink the sleeves.

We only broke two eggs, and we split the damage between us, so it was a success! The eggs won't be very edible as I forgot them while boiling and some of them boiled for over 15 minutes (oops) but how many hard boiled eggs could we eat, anyway?

I'm puzzled by the inclusion of a brown dye pellet. Wouldn't people who wanted brown eggs just buy brown ones?

Sunday we went for brunch to my aunt's house, who had the usual fabulous feast, including a special lamb dish for Roni, who couldn't eat the ham. He brought along matzabrai (sp?) for his bread since all the flour products were also off limits until Pesach ends next week.

J is still a little confused about why a bunny hides his eggs, but he enjoyed finding them, and his slightly older cousin was good about leaving some of them for him - his detection skills mean that the eggs needed to be in pretty obvious spots!

The brunch timing meant no nap - he held up well, but was asleep in the car on the way home before we got to the first traffic light.

Also, to show that all the holidays were covered, on Wednesday we had our Pesach Seder. It was just the three of us, and J's attention span was sorely tested, but it was a moderate success. We remembered all the items for the Seder plate this year! And although J's mini-meltdown left Roni alone at the table at one point, reading the prayers alone, J did last long enough to open the door for Elijah and to hunt down the hidden matzah cracker. And really, considering it is all in Hebrew, and J is only three and had been sick all week, it went as well as could be expected!

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