Monday, April 13, 2009

Working day

So, it is another working day. I feel so good here, it seems like everybody is sick all the time maybe it is our company but it is kind of amazing.

I am looking at my computer and thinking "NOT ANOTHER DAY !!!". I believe I will be a great rich person just traveling the world and seeing great places but not me I am here down town well, not really but very close.

I added another story:
which explains what drinking is doing to you.

Anyway, I will keep with that later. Got to go back to work.

- Roni

It is a quiet day here at the library, as well. Tomorrow the state testing begins, so all the classes are coming in to get books to read after the test, should they finish early. But they don't need me for the physical check out, though I try to roam and offer suggestions for choices. So I've been behind the counter cataloguing and sticking labels in books, and it isn't very exciting. But it will be worse tomorrow. Once the testing starts, all talking ceases and for two weeks it is as if the energy has been drained from the building. I wish I dared get out my knitting then . . .

And, honey, remember that you are a relatively wealthy person, traveling the world. You live in a foreign land! You get to go camping in a new tent this weekend! In a month or two you get to go to Taiwan! But I agree that we do need to figure out where we're heading in the next few years - not locations, but purpose seems to be a bit lacking for us lately.

Re: the drinking story. Is there a worry there? The one bottle of wine a month is too extreme?

- Johnna

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