Monday, April 20, 2009

Sleeping in a tent

The first camping trip of the year went well. The weather cooperated beautifully and Dash Point State Park turned out to be a lovely location to try out our new gear and J's camping stamina. Not too far, trails through the woods, and a sandy beach at the end of one trail so J could dig for hours.
The tent is very tall, to the point that I think I'd have difficulties putting it up by myself. And 6' 4" Roni can stand up in it without trouble. It is six sided, so lots of room in the corners for each person's bag of clothes and sundries. Our new extra thick sleeping mats were wonderful, and the new bags kept us toasty. We had a little trouble keeping J in his - he didn't like to have it zipped but he thrashes so he kept coming uncovered. Plus, he was so excited about the whole camping experience that when it was his time to go to sleep he meandered in circles around the inside of the tent for over an hour instead, repeatedly coming to the mesh window to check on us and the fire.
The fire was one of the hitches in the trip - the wood wasn't very dry and while it kept going for the most part, it was with more of a smolder than a roar. I also had to take myself for a walk at one point because I was becoming far too controlling of Roni's efforts in fire building. I'm learning, slowly. It did get going enough for smores, which was J's only real concern. He ate his weight in marshmallows and then polished off the rest of the chocolate when I wasn't looking.

Second hitch: despite the mound of belongings we brought with us, we managed to forget the lantern, Roni's glasses (and contact solution) and - the true emergency - coffee makings. So when I got up in the morning, in true car-camping fashion Roni'd already made a Starbucks run, proving we weren't even remotely in the wilderness. But this was just a test camping; we'll get farther out and for longer next time. And we definitely need to pare down our supplies. For a single night's camping we managed to bring enough to fill the Highlander to the roof. That must change.

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